New synergy with REWIRE Horizon Europe project

We are pleased to announce yet another important synergy with the Horizon Europe Project REWIRE, entitled “REWiring the ComposItional Security VeRification and AssurancE of Systems of Systems Lifecycle”.

REWIRE is one of the projects funded under Horizon Europe Call HORIZON-CL3-2021-CS-01, “Increased cybersecurity 2021”, aiming to provide a holistic security management framework that can safeguard IoT environments during the whole spectrum of their lifecycle, i.e., from the Design to the Runtime phases, capitalizing on trust-aware defense mechanisms that exploit emerging technologies based on Formal verification, Theorem Proofs, Open Standard Instruction Set Architectures (ISA), Trusted Computing, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The initial meeting between ENCRYPT and REWIRE representatives took place on June 15th, where the common research and innovation areas of both projects have been explored. Both project representatives agreed that a joint webinar to present each project’s technologies and use cases will be a great opportunity to increase our visibility to related stakeholders.

This joint webinar is planned for autumn 2023.

Stay tuned for updates!

In the meantime, you may visit REWIRE website at or follow the project at Linked In and Twitter: