We are pleased to report the successful organisation of the Interim Review Meeting, including fruitful discussions and insightful recommendations. The meeting took place online, on June 14th 2023, with full participation of consortium partners, accompanied by EU Commission representatives – the Project Officer and three esteemed external experts.
ENCRYPT consortium partners had the opportunity to present the early findings and initial results, delivered during the first 10 months of the project implementation, from July 2022 to April 2023. Project objectives and milestones for this early period have been met in full.
The progress report has been focused in the ENCRYPT framework specifications, architecture and use cases. The discussions that took place between the Project Officer, the external Reviewers and the members of the consortium have been very productive. Valuable feedback received that will be used to extend our efforts and continue our research towards delivering a scalable and practical Privacy Preserving framework. Additionally, all partners were complimented both for the quality and importance of their research achievements, and also for the great level of collaboration.
Stay tuned for our upcoming results: Initial version the Privacy-Preserving tools and initial ENCRYPT platform integrated prototype!