Our colleague, Dr. Irene Kamara from project partner Tilburg Law School of Tilburg University (TiU) is joining the Stakeholder Board of the CYBERSPACE project.
CYBERSPACE is a project funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police Programme and aims aims to provide policymakers, law enforcement agencies and the private sector with a more comprehensive understanding of cyberattacks and cybercrime in the EU. Insights will be used to develop investigative tools, improve information sharing, and better detection, response and prevention of cybercrime. CYBERSPACE is relevant to the Cyber Threat Intelligence use case of ENCRYPT.
Learn more about CYBERSPACE:
– Website: https://cyberspaceproject.eu/
– Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cyberspace-project-81009b235/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/CYBERSPACE_EU